Thursday, December 4, 2008

A Healthy Option: Green Gardening

There is a new world developing in the gardening world that is called green gardening, otherwise known as organic gardening.  Since it is becoming more popular, there is more gardening help available to help a person who has been gardening for years change over to green gardening from traditional methods.There is also plenty of information that allows those who have not ever gardened before to become green gardeners in a short amount of time.

Going Green

Going green is a slogan that has been tossed around more and more in recent years, as more and more people become informed about the effects of our actions on the environment and more environmental problems surface due to man's negligence.Since this is the case, people have been finding more ways to be environmentally friendly yet still able to participate in the activities they enjoy, such as gardening.

Green gardening means using products that are organic, such as compost instead of chemical fertilizers.  The compost can be made through grass clippings, leaves or scraps from the kitchen that are organic.  All of these items are thrown onto a pile called the compost pile, which begins to decay and let the nutrients from the decaying bodies into the soil, which plants love.Earthworms also help to decompose the compost pile if the person doesn't mind their squirming.

In addition to growing flowers organically, green gardening includes growing food, so that most of what is eaten is home grown.Organic food that is bought in a grocery store or specialty shop is always more expensive then alternatives.Growing food in a vegetable garden saves time and money, including the gas required to get to the grocery store!  In addition, picking the vegetables and fruit from the garden, fresh, right before use always tastes better than those that have been shipped to the store.

For those who do not have the option of starting a green garden in the back of their house, there are a couple of different options available.One option is to join a community garden in which people sign up to take care of the garden on different days of the week and the produce from the garden is shared amongst them all.  The other option for urban dwellers is to do container gardening, doing green gardening in potted plants.  All sorts of plants can be grown this way, including vegetables, so it is a viable option for those who do not have yards.

For more about gardening please visit

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