Saturday, December 13, 2008

Worm Farming

Lots of people farm worms and all differnt levels.  However most people don't really understand the need for farming worms, people who already participate in this activiting fully understand it and realize the great benefit that is bestowed upon the environment.  If you care for the environment and also the garden then worm farming is perhaps for you.

Many worm farmers commercially farm earthworms for profit.  There are actually many types of worm and there are some that are specifically bred.  Those that are farmed commercially are normally sold to gardeners wanting to do composting.  There are even landfills that buy worms so that the waste can be composted naturally.  

If you are a gardener then you should already appreciate the importance of worms in the garden because the help with the aeration process.  The waste that is composted by the worms is broken down into a substance that can be better used by the soil, improving the fertilization of the soil.

In recent years, the supply of worm farming equipment and accessories has meant that ordinary people can enjoy worm farming from their own home.  Household sized bins are on the market in a variety of shapes and sizes.  

In order to farm worms you need to provide them with nutrients that often simply come in the form of kitchen waste.  In addition to fruit and vegetables you can also include such products as paper products and cotton rags, leaves, egg shells and hair.  Excreted by the worm is a nutrient rich substance called vermicompost or worm compost.

If you have kids then teaching them about worms can be great fun.  It's also often seen as a very space-efficient means of composting kitchen waste, you can buy kits which are pretty small and therefore be easily taken to school.  Using natural methods for composting and reducing waste in landfills is easily demonstrated by classroom worm farms.

It might surprise you just how many different places you are able to farm worms.  There are so many systems that you can buy these days, home owners can raise their own supply of worms outside or in an apartment.  As long as you give the worms the correct levels of light, moisture, temperature, food and bedding you will ensure a long living worm population.

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