Monday, January 12, 2009

Choosing a Garden of Beauty: Rose Gardening Tips

There are many people who would love to have a rose garden but have become disheartened at their attempts to grow roses in the past.Perhaps they attempted to grow a container rose garden, or chose their favorites roses to grow but they died as soon as the first winter hit.  Although roses can be temperamental and arguably more difficult to grow than other flowers, it is possible to grow a beautiful rose garden by following some rose gardening tips from the start.

How to Build the Garden

The first rose gardening tip is to see that the soil is adequately prepared in the garden.  Soils can be sandy, made of clay or a mixture of all types and it is important to make sure that there are enough nutrients in the soil to feed the roses when they are planted. One way to do this is to use compost, which is rich in nutrients.A compost pile is easy to make in the back yard.All that is needed for a compost pile is some grass clippings, some old vegetables or fruit peels, or trimmings from pruning the bushes, all thrown into a pile to decompose.  After a few weeks, the soil in the pile will be rich with nutrients from the decomposing pile which is great for feeding hungry roses.

The next rose gardening tip is to carefully choose the rose bushes that best fit the climate in which they will be growing.Although it would be nice of the favorite type of rose bush happened to grow in the same climate as the person lives in, but this is not always the case and can lead to disappointment if that person tries to grow it anyway.  There are certain roses, like the tea roses, that grow well in hot climates, while others are better in climates that have a strong winter. 

The third rose gardening tip is to plant the roses in direct sunlight.  Roses love the sun and need a lot of it.  The only exception to this is in extremely hot climates, where it is a good idea to have some shade for the roses in the afternoon.  In addition to sunbathing, roses need to breathe, so it is vital that rosebushes be planted far enough apart so that air can pass easily between them.  Even though the rose bushes need to be planted a good distance apart, that doesn't mean that helper plants cannot be planted in between them.These plants can help to keep detrimental insects away from the roses and attract 'good' insects to the rose garden.

More about garden guides

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